Hi, this is Jeff (or Akolade if you wish), from Future Shock Software.
What is this? It's the site for Future Shock Software, makers of the game Interplanetary Drift for iPhone. Which just got approved for the App Store and will be available later this month (November). Exciting!
What is Interplanetary Drift anyways? Well you can get details on the Interplanetary Drift page.
I've been working on this game for quite awhile. It is my first game for iPhone, hopefully the first of many to come.
The basic story is that your spaceship is destroyed while investigating a wormhole, leaving you floating through space in a cool little escape pod, with a flashing red light and not much else.
I thought the idea of a game where you guide your player to an end goal (a wormhole) using nothing well timed breaks from orbit could be fun. You can find out soon when it gets released later this month.
If we get glowing reviews (or panned) I will make sure to post it here in the news updates. Also we will be announcing our next project sometime in the next while.
So, this is just the beginning. Things will get more interesting when people can actually play the game. For now, check out the demo video over on the Interplanetary Drift page! Also if you like music, you can get the whole soundtrack for the game now! That way you are all prepared and can hum along when the game is realeased.